Thursday, February 4, 2010

Transportation study - haste makes waste

To the astonishment of folk close to the Lansdowne project, the terms of reference for the transportation study are to come before the joint Transportation and Transit Committee on Monday Feb. 8. Until a couple of days ago, the plan had been to have the standing committee look at the terms of reference on Feb. 17.
Obviously someone is in a big hurry.
Another indication of the perceived need for speed is the proposal that the contract for the study be let without competition. Who cares about value for money when you're in a rush?
It is said that the company that did the initial transportation study for OSEG has been preparing the terms of reference for the next study and it is the firm who will (without competition) be awarded the next study. We should learn if this is the new modus operandi around City Hall.
And without getting into a lot of the detail about the next study, I think it is being misconstrued in the media. In today's (Feb. 4) Citizen the study is described as determining "how the Lansdowne Live project will affect traffic". That is not what the Council resolution back in November demanded. The motion asked the study to ascertain "...whether or not impacts on traffic circulation and on-street parking resulting from the implementation of the LPP can be reasonably accommodated...".
The clear implication is that if the transportation issues cannot "be reasonably accommodated", the plan cannot proceed.
I believe it is important that the transportation study be required to explicitly demonstrate that the transportation issues can be addressed. Failing such a demonstration, the project should be halted.

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